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What are the 7 warning signs of cancer?

There are a lot of symptoms of cancer and it is variable according to the type of cancer and from person to person. So, what are the 7 warning signs of cancer that should not be ignored by a person who is suffering from cancer?

  • Blood In The Stool

This can be seen in patients who are suffering from gastrointestinal tract cancers (esophageal, stomach and colon). It may be a sign of the early and final stage of cancer and it is also . The blood in the stool needs to be checked to rule out the causes as the blood may come from infection, ulcers, hemorrhoids or even cancer.

  • Blood In The Urine

Blood in the urine is not a specific sign of cancer but in fact, it can be caused by multiple causes such as infection, trauma and injury, stones and other causes of bleeding in the urine. In cancer, kidney and bladder cancer can cause the presence of blood in the urine.

  • Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite can be multifactorial due to changes in the anatomical structures and psychological factors. Some of the factors are due to depression and enlarged tumors such as  colon, pancreas and compressing the gastrointestinal structures such as the stomach which makes you feel full and less appetite to eat.

  • Loss of weight

This could be due to the direct effect from loss of appetite or due to malnutrition. It can also be a first or late sign of cancer. Therefore, if you experienced a rapid and sudden unexplained loss accompanied by other symptoms, please seek medical attention as soon as possible so that you can get diagnosed and treated early.

  • Extreme Fatigue

We are talking about extreme tiredness. Normally fatigue and tiredness goes away when you get a rest or sleep. But in cancer, you will feel an extreme tiredness or fatigue that does not go away even though you have enough sleep and rest. On top of that, the effect of not getting enough nutrients can lead to loss of appetite can contribute to the fatigue which can be felt by cancer patients.

  • Weak Immune System

Cancer makes your body weak. In this scenario, the body immune system is weakened which makes the cancer patients susceptible for infection which explains why they have recurrent fever. Also, with the weak immune body, the cancer tends to be more progressive and this will make the treatment more difficult.

  • Lumps And Bumps And Swollen Lymph Nodes

One of the modes of transmission of cancerous cells is via lymphatic spread. This means the cell can spread from its primary site to the other organs in the body through the lymphatic system. For example, in breast cancer, you can feel the lymph nodes swelling in your armpit or in the neck. But it can be found anywhere in the body, depending on the site of spread.

Other than that, there is sometimes a palpable mass in patients with cancer. One of the most prominent lumps and bumps is breast cancer where it can be found in routine self-check up.

These seven signs of cancers are one of the most common signs and symptoms seen in cancer patients. However, the signs and symptoms vary from person to person and some of them do not exhibit those features until the late stage of the cancer. Therefore it is advisable for someone to seek medical attention as soon as possible if they notice there are some changes in their body.

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